Friday, May 8, 2009

Anyone listening?

Just started this thing and have no idea where it'll go! For starters, google Haste yee back ;-) I've written some outrageously stupid responses to subjects posted on Literary Agents blogs. If you wanna laugh at, or with me - go read 'em!

Also visit, http//

You'll find some of my illustrations. I hope you enjoy them, if ya don't, turn your head sideways, cross your eyes, take another look. It might get better, but I don't guarantee it. I'll be putting more art up as time goes by... some finished, some sketches, some blank pages 'cause nothin' happened that day, or my drawing parts went on unannounced vacation. (As I get older, I find more of my parts doin' this. Vexing)!

Now, I'm gonna check out, Settings, Layout and Monetize. Then hit view Blog. Hope I don't scare myself.

Keep it between the telephone poles...

Haste yee back ;-)


  1. Your blog is an interesting find and no doubt I'll be back on regular basis. I'm a children's author as well, so there will a great deal here to learn I'm sure. I've just gotten an independent publisher for my fantasy story, so I'll be gleaning information all over the place. I'd also like to add that your art work is lovely. You are twice talented. :)

  2. val,
    Thanks for stopping by and the gracious comments. I appreciate your kind words. Congrats on you impending publication. I'll be looking for it. Got a title? If there's anything you can glean from my experience, just ask.

    Haste yee back ;-)

  3. Haste yee back -

    I'll take a leap of faith on ya! ;)

    Not much of a leap though. You seem to have great and funny things to say already on Nathan's blog. I'm sure it will carry over. :)

  4. Hi Haste yee back,

    don't do what i did with blogger - get Blogger addiction with a dash of template changing obsession lol.

    anyhoo, i'm sorry to bother you, but I've recently started up a community forum for writers called the The Writer's Chronicle(mainly for those who blog) where we can meet and discuss all that is writing with other 'online' writers. Also with the recent addition of some published author members we have decided to set up a section to support published writers and help them promote themselves and their books - as we all know how hard it is to get published and how its even harder to get a large readership!

    I know this email is out of the blue, but i was hoping that you might drop in and take a look around and perhaps join if your interested?

    I'd greatly appreciate it,


    Emily Cross

    Writer's Chronicle Link:

  5. Purple,
    "seem to have great and funny things to say," Thanks for the compliments. LOL, I love the qualifier, "seem to have." Smoke and mirrors, that's my trick cuz "great and funny" is "hit and miss," most of the time. You do very well on Nathan's blog too.
    Mrs. Haste yee back ;-) is gonna join the fray, so ya all will get the truth... eventually!
    Thanks so much for followin.' If I can help - holler. I'll be in my sand box. You can have the little yellow shovel and the red pale if you want. My gift for stopping by... and bribe for coming back. ;)

    Thanks for the post. I take your advice regarding all things blog... (maybe it just me, but BLOG sounds like a friend of Shrek... ah, just me probably)!
    I'll check out Writer's Chron, thanks for the heads-up and thanks for visiting my sand box. Oh, here, take the Tonka truck as a party gift! (being imaginative here)

    Haste yee back ;-)

  6. I've put you on my blog roll. :)

  7. Hey, val,
    Thanks for the blog roll. Gonna go back and listen to the Jimi Hendix you tube you have... I'm of the Woodstock generation. Great time to be in College. Love Van Gogh and most of Hemingway, especially OLD MAN AND THE SEA! But then, I fish -- a lot.

    Did you know Van Gogh drew for 10 years before he felt worthy touching paint? (charcoals, mostly). Interesting artist!

    Haste yee back ;-)

  8. Welcome to the blogging world!

  9. I knew he drew, but I wasn't aware he did it for a decade before taking up the brushes. Van Gogh has a special place in my heart although Claude Monet is in the running. :) Hemingway is da man. I've read everything and I aspire to reach that level of spare genius in my adult writing. Not likely, but one can dream? I also fish! There is nothing like it in the whole world for clearing the brain and the lungs. :)

    I'm also pleased you liked the Hendrix fix. Lately I've been going through a Nick Drake phase. I'm in my forties and I suppose I'm waxing nostalgic these days.

  10. Rachelle,
    Thanks for the welcome to cyberscribbling... very nice of you to stop by and I look forward to seeing you again.

    If you're ever in the Florida Keys, Islamorada in fact, stop by the Bass Pro shop, (World Wide Sportsman)... Hemingway's Marlin boat hangs from the ceiling. He was known as "Papa" and sometimes after fishing the gulf he'd dock his boat and challenge anyone nearby to a boxing match. He paid his opponents by the round.

    Haste yee back ;-)

  11. Haste yee back,
    I've read several of your comments on Nathan's blogs and others, and you always make me laugh. Just wanted to stop by and say hi, and welcome to the blogosphere!

  12. Yamile,
    LOL, perhaps we're on the same "funny" wavelength. What's funny is subjective and I'm happy your subjective is my subjective. Thank you for stopping by and the nice welcome to the blogo blob!
    Yes, I hope to get something new up soon.

    Haste yee back ;-)

  13. Howdy! We seem to follow all the same bloggers. I went looking for your blog months ago, out of curiosity to know who this person who kept cracking me up was, but found just a profile, or maybe not even that. I'm glad I tried again; nice to get a sense of the guy behind the name. Cheers!
